Posted at 22:50h
by admin
The video work 'DEMASKIERT' (DEMASKED) by Clemens Wittkowski is an artistic examination of the corona pandemic. A verbal-emotional reaction that relentlessly dissects our individual pandemic behavior. From one day to the next, we have had to learn to change our structures and our ways of...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'iSign' by Clemens Wittkowski dissects the perceptible discrepancy between action and reaction. In a barren dune landscape on heathland, a white flag is waved back and forth. It is far away from us. As a renunciation of resistance, as a sign of...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'Hier' (Here) by Clemens Wittkowski visualizes our soul in an unprecedented way. On the surface of an aging children's blackboard, on which people normally scribble, draw, calculate, and write, we follow a hand acting with white chalk, observing and listening almost distantly...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'why is it never enough' by Clemens Wittkowski relentlessly visualizes our tendency to push things to the limit and rightly asks why it is never enough. In a single sequence, a hemp rope stretched to breaking point crunches under the tensile forces....
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'Lieben' (Love) by Clemens Wittkowski takes us to a very familiar psychological place – to the self of all of us. The view of an agitated seascape with demanding waves, a supposedly clearing sky, and filigree sediment moments underwater is permeated by...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'Kollusion' (Collusion) by Clemens Wittkowski characterizes the mostly unconscious interplay of different interests in forming relationships: Love, family, friendship, social, and above all the relationship with oneself. After a while, some of them become very negative, polarizing, sometimes toxic, and narcissistic. A...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'Synkope' (Syncope) by Clemens Wittkowski follows the movements of a key, staged in a negative shot, which supposedly unlocks a door, accompanied by repetitive piano playing and deep rolling noises from inside the door lock. Options to open something, to open up,...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'Dauerhaft' (Permanent) by Clemens Wittkowski captures the feeling of permanent tension in a very symbolic way. We see a brightly lit metronome (a metronome, from the Greek metron “measure“ and nomos “law“ sets a constant tempo through acoustic impulses at regular time...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'Bonkers' by Clemens Wittkowski is crazy in the truest sense of the word. Haunting. Powerful. Counteracting. We are close to the silhouette of a long- haired person who, without fear, moves his head with maximum impetuosity to a death metal sequence. Headbanging...
Posted at 10:03h
by admin
The video work 'Beaten' by Clemens Wittkowski stages the soul and the heart – and the inner conflict in dealing with both. How do I think and how do I feel? How do I get mixed up by influences and resistance, including from outside, and...